YOGYAKARTA – On Wednesday 28TH September 2022, RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta in collaboration with FKKMK UGM and the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (FAHZU) held a Tripartite Webinar titled “Current Challenges in Infectious Disease and Traditional Medicine” as part of the sister hospital program. The Chairman of FAHZU, Prof. Tingbo Liang opened the Webinar, followed by opening remarks from the Director of Medical, Nursing, and Supporting Services Dr.dr.Sri Mulatsih, MPH, SpA(K) and the Vice Director of Vice Dean for Research and Development, FKKMK UGM dr. Lina Choiridah, Sp.Rad(K). From Zhejiang University, the keynote speakers were Dr. Junwei Su who gave a presentation on Malaria Elimination in China, and Dr. Fenglin Hu who presented on The Distinctive Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapeutic Services in China. Meanwhile, Dr.dr. Ida Safitri Laksanawati, SpA(K) gave a presentation on HIV/AIDS Infection in Pediatrics. Lastly, Prof. Dr Mae Sri Hartati, Apt, MSi gave a lecture on Traditional Health Services in Indonesia. Attendants were from FAHZU. FKKMK UGM, BP2TOOT Tawangmangu and Academic Health System of UGM. The lectures were followed by an interesting discussion regarding implementation of malaria control programs in each country and the challenges in integrating traditional health services with conventional health system.
RSUP Dr. Sardjito recognizes the importance of collaboration with leading institutions all over the world such as FAHZU in China, especially in the management of infectious diseases and also traditional health services. This webinar serves as a starting point for further collaboration with FAHZU, especially on visitation, exchange and training programs.
The 1ST keynote speech came from Dr. Junwei Su, M.D. , Departement of Infectious Diseases at FAHZU with “Malaria Elimination in China and Therapy for Imported Severe Malaria”. He gave the explanation about the malaria elimination in China by the China 1-3-7 strategy. Within 1 day (local health care facility) report by hospital to web based national case report system for all suspected fever cases which have been tested at the laboratory. Within 3 days (country China CDC where the case is reported) did the case classification (imported or local) based on the result of double microscopy & pcr at central lab as the case investigation. Within 7 days (country China CDC where the patient resides and/or works) focused on the case investigation. Furthermore, he gave the explanation about therapy for imported severe malaria from a patient case report equipped by the timeline for the therapy of red blood cells transfusion, continuing supportive care, management of complications and antimalarial treatment giving.
Dr. dr. Ida Safitri Laksanawati, Sp.A(K) from Tropical and Infectious Disease Division of Department of Child Health, RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta presented us her concern of “HIV/AIDS in Pediatric Patients”. dr. Ida told about the national and local data of HIV in Indonesia, clinical manifestation of HIV in pediatrics, diagnosis approach, and how to starting ARV treatment. Besides, she also remarked the treatment challenges for pediatric HIV/AIDS patients who got the negative stigma and discrimination such as the low health literacy in the community about risk of transmission, sexual behavior, prevention of unwanted pregnancy; inequalities and ensure equity for screening, diagnosis and treatment by provide equal facilities and access in all healthcare setting and high number of lost to follow-up patients.
The 3rd speech came from Dr. Hu Fenglin, PHD from Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine FAHZU with the topic of “The Distinctive Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapeutic Services in the FAHZU”. He delivered about the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment technique used the decoction, formula granules, wine, food, tea, etc. There is also an external treatment of TCM that have been used such as external application, medical bath, plaster, treatment of winter disease in summer, ear acupuncture, cupping, etc. Besides, TCM provided massage therapy (massage, chiropractic, pediatric massage, acupuncture, etc) and acupuncture (body acupuncture or acupoint, electro-acupuncture, plum blossom ccupuncture, moxibustion). TCM have also had a cultural activities by made an anti pandemic sachets and mosquito repellent sachets.
The last speech delivered by Prof. Dr. Mae Sri Hartati Wahyuningsih, Apt, MSi. From Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing UGM with the topic of “Traditional Health Services in Indonesia”.Traditional health services have existed as part of Indonesia culture, either for preventive, promotive, curative or rehabilitative. The Indonesian Ministry of Health is actively involves in guiding the traditional health care practitioners in Indonesia in order to guarantee the safety and quality of the service. There were several laws about Traditional Health Services in Indonesia. The traditional health services may be devided into 2 main categories, traditional health services by using skills (acupuncture, massage and others related with skills) and traditional health medicine services (jamu, gurah, aromatherapy and others related with herbs). Traditional health services that have been developed in Indonesia such as acupuncture, acupressure, self-care family medicine park (TOGA) and medical plants.
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